Darn You, Global Warming
I think Global Warming is a big scam. Here it is April 29th and I cleared 2 inches of snow off my car this morning. If we are supposed to be getting hotter and hotter, where is the heat? We should be at 80 degree days by now, if the Global Warming theorists are correct. Some of them say, the snow today is a direct result of the Global Warming. That doesn't make any sense. It is like being in a pitch dark room and saying it is that dark because of all the light. So now, many of the Global Warming crowd are changing their terminology. They know we are not buying it, so they now want to call it Climate Change. I think I know what their end-game is, however. They want to tax and control us. They want to use Global Warming/Climate Change as the tool. Legislation called Cap and Trade is just an example of how the government is setting out to do this.
I believe that the earth was created for mankind, not the other way around. I am it's steward, not it's slave. It was produced for us. We are to use it's resources well and wisely. We are not to waste it, or destroy it just to destroy, or misuse it. However, we are to use it and be grateful for earth's bounty. We are Shepherds of the earth. We are to protect and watch over it, but remember in the end, the Shepherd sheers the sheep and eventually eats it.
The environmentalists would have us believe that coal, oil, nuclear energy, etc... are evil and must be limited, taxed, or destroyed. They would have us stop progress. They would have us go back 100 years in our technology. They would have us destroy our economic system and deminish our standard of living.
I suggest the needs of man must prevail. I view energy resources, animals, plants, etc...as blessing from God, put here on the earth to bless and benefit mankind. The Global Warming crowd and high-strung environmentalists see the relationship between man and the earth in an oposite way. In doing this they turn their backs on God and are very ungrateful and/or indifferent for the bounty of the earth.